Monday, March 30, 2015

New Beginnings

The best students from this sewing workshop in Matagalpa will have the opportunity for a PHPG loan!

The non-profit Rayo de Sol arranged for the workshop for women from the impoverished, Tule neighborhood of Matagalpa. 

The students will launch a business venture with their new skills and capital from PHPG.  It will be an opportunity to build better lives for themselves and for their families.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Workshops at the Finca!

PHPG just fineshed two weeks of workshops at Finca Aurora, a coffee farm in Matagalpa. PHPG partnerned with Project Alianza to bring the workshop to this remote region of Matagalpa. It is part of our continuing commitment to social and economic development.

Women and men working on private farms are often ignored by non-profits and service providers, despite great need.  For most of the participants, this was their first time participating in a workshop.
Creating a web! Getting to know each other.

Learning about decision making in business and in life.

A few late comers to the class. 

Discussing negotiation strategies.

Workshop facilitators Martha and Berly.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

PHPG would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the BFA Fairfax NHS group! Last night they raised $320.00 for PHPG at the fun and amazingly tasty St. Patrick's Day Valentine's Day Pancake Supper!

The menu was delicious! 3 Types of pancakes, GREEN eggs, sausage, fruit, the one and only really amazing VT pure maple syrup, juices, coffee and smiles! :D

This group did a wonderful job. Thanks so much you guys!

$320 dollars is enough to fund two new microloans in Nicaragua. This will allow two new families to begin their journey out of poverty. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Island Hopping

Monday was a busy day for us here in Granada! In addition to the collections in Pantanal, he had a meeting with the local community of Las Isletas. There are hundreds of islands big and small that dot the shores of Lake Nicaragua. Many of these islands are traversed by people who reside in and make their living from the lake. The Granada team adventured out on Lake Nicaragua to round up several local community members in order to get to work on interviewing them about their businesses.

Not Just Loans

People Helping People is not just about loans. We're about improving the economic and social development of the communities where we work.

In January we saw a need in one of our communities. The school in Susuma, Matagalpa was in desperate need of books and supplies.  We spoke with the school director, Ana, who shared with us her struggles to build an engaging learning environment for the kids.

This past month PHPG was able to help the school in Susuma. Thanks to a generous donation from Lectorum Publishing, a dedicated volunteer, Alex Ursino, and many of his friends and colleagues the school received 216 Spanish language books.

Before the school did not have any story books or a library for its 86 students. A whole new world of possibilities has opened up to the children at the school!